Feb 10, 2015 | Latest News
We will have 6 slots available for the 2015 Spring Youth Hunt. The 2-day youth hunt will take place Saturday, April 11th to Sunday April, 12th.
Feb 9, 2015 | Testimonials
Thank you, Mr Bates for a great hunt last year!! I look forward to obtaining your service this season. Gonna be hard to top last year’s mount though I fear. -Thomas Pouliot
Feb 4, 2015 | Testimonials
I’ve been fortunate enough to hunt in many parts of the country for many years and consider my annual trips to New Mexico to hunt with Jim and Ryan Bates as one of the best. Their in-depth knowledge of the country and ability to hook you up with the beautiful...
Feb 4, 2015 | Testimonials
We had a fantastic and very successful hunt for these New Mexico Merriam’s. Ryan knows the area well and was able to put us in the middle of plenty of vocal gobblers which cooperated much better than our Georgia birds typically do. In addition to that, I...